Investing for Health

Strengthening the ā€œSā€ within ESG: Health and well-being is the next area of focus for high-performing real estate companies and investors.

In 2015, the Green Health Partnership collaborated with GRESB to develop the GRESB Health & Well-being Module - the first portfolio-level health assessment for real estate practitioners and investors.

From 2016 to 2018, a total of 399 real estate funds participated in the voluntary GRESB Health & Well-being module representing 5.8 billion square meters of real estate and over 1.75 trillion USD in gross asset value.

Investing for Health Resources.


2019 GRESB Results Snapshot

View a snapshot of the 2019 GRESB Sustainable Real Assets results, including results from the Health & Well-being Module.


Health & Well-Being Module

The GRESB Health and Well-being Module consists of 8 indicators to assess processes for health within real estate fund management and investment. Explore the tool and consider implications for your practice.


GRESB Module Report

Our recent report uses 3 years of data from the GRESB Health and Well-being Module to give a snapshot of market trends for health promotion within global real estate management and investment.